Output Watermark
You can print the watermark on the printout. You can place a watermark even when it is printed in PDF or XPS. You can also decide whether to print watermarks by application
Print the watermark on the printout.
The watermark is printed even to PDF, XPS, etc.
The watermark is not supported for XPS and PDF output in some applications (such as Internet Explorer).
The watermark is not supported for the "Microsoft Store App" program.
Determine whether watermark is printed according to the applications
* Watermark output only for specified applications.
* Specified applications does not print watermark.
If you have applications that encounter errors when printing watermarks, you can register this process to the exception process to handle the problem. (That is, no watermark output)
Can display a window asking whether to print a watermark on output.
Metadata watermark support: Output date and time, printer name, document name, user name, etc. can be output as watermark.
QR Code can be output as a watermark
Supports watermark font, size, color, transparency, location, etc.
Watermark support
• Up to 4 text watermarks
• Up to 4 image watermarks
• 1 QR Code watermark
Supported O/S

Windows 7
Windows 10
Windows 11