USB Safe Guard


  • 일반 USB를 보안 USB로 변경합니다.

  • 보안 USB는 인증 된 사용자만 사용할 수 있으며 원격으로 보안 USB 컨트롤을 제어할 수 있습니다.


SKU: N/A 카테고리:


  • You can change the generic USB Hard Disk or USB Flash Disk to an encrypted secure USB.

  • The documents are hidden in a secure USB, which can be retrieved only by entering the password.

  • You can change the secure USB to generic USB. In this case, all contents of secure USB will be deleted.

  • If you lose your secure USB, you can automatically destroy this secure USB.

  • You can change the policy for this secure USB even after creating a secure USB.


추가 정보

Number of secure USB creations

2 ea, 5 ea, 10 ea, 20 ea


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